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Ginger Tea For Acid Reflux
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Ginger Tea For Acid Reflux

General Health


Rowan Tuffs

If you’re someone who struggles with the burning of acid reflux, chances are you’ve tried your fair share of over-the-counter medications to help alleviate your symptoms--but you still can’t seem to overcome the burn. Natural remedies could help where traditional medicine falls flat, and ginger just might be able to provide you with the relief you have been seeking. 

The medicinal properties of ginger root have been used for thousands of years to treat an assortment of health issues, including coughs, digestive problems, and arthritis. A much favored way of extracting the properties of ginger is to drink it as a tea. 

Curious about what ginger tea can do for your health? Let’s look at the information and find out the possibilities. 

Getting To Know Ginger

Ginger, or Zingiber officinale, is a beloved condiment used throughout various regions for its simultaneously sweet and spicy flavor profile. Though it makes for a tasty addition to amplify any meal, ginger root has gained much traction in recent years as a dietary supplement due to the benefits it can have on your health.  

Ginger can be ingested in many ways to acquire its medicinal qualities, and brewing tea from ginger root is possibly the most favored method since it produces a mildly spicy cup that helps to warm you right up. 

Consuming ginger is entirely safe when done in moderation. Appropriate amounts of ginger can work to ease symptoms of sickness, but overdoing it could result in your symptoms getting worse, so be mindful about how much you take. 

Ginger root cut with a knife
Ginger is one of the most common spices found in kitchens around the world. Aside from its wonderful flavor profile, consuming ginger can offer positive impacts on your health.

Ginger Tea And Your Stomach

Though ginger root offers a range of benefits for your well being, the most prominent aspect of the plant might be its effects on digestive health and curing stomach ailments. Many cultures have favored ginger to combat problems with digestion and gut health due to its  capability to do a lot more than simply soothe your nausea. Some of its amazing properties may surprise you.  

How Ginger Works Against Acid Reflux

Ginger tea is rich in antioxidants and contains compounds that work to alleviate gastrointestinal irritation and reduce the severity of contractions during gastric motility. This lessens the possibility of digestive acid flowing from the stomach up into the esophagus. 

Ginger’s ability to regulate the flow of fluids in the gastrointestinal tract helps to promote the absorption of food and excess stomach acid, offering relief to some factors that contribute to acid reflux. The more fluids your body is able to absorb and get nutrients out of, the less chances there are for inappropriate levels of buildup to occur. 

Additional Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

The effects that ginger tea has on digestive health are undoubtedly positive when administered in appropriate, effective doses, but the benefits do not stop there. Ginger tea can do so much more to improve different aspects of your wellness, such as the following:

  • Boost your immune system due to its antibacterial properties
  • Improve cognitive function by increasing concentration and energy
  • Offer relief from menstrual pain and cramping
  • Soothes and reduces muscle pain caused by exercise
  • May help ward off degenerative diseases and certain types of cancer
Ginger root next to a can of spilled ginger powder
The history of ginger is a long one that stems back over 5000 years. Ginger root was first produced as a tonic by Chinese and Indian regions to treat a variety of maladies.

What Else Can Help With Acid Reflux?

Ginger tea is certainly a great addition to your diet if you struggle with symptoms of acid reflux, but it alone can only do so much. If you want to see improvements in your digestive health, then you’ll need to take appropriate measures to alter possible unhealthy daily habits that influence your stomach health, including your diet. 

Limiting your intake of certain foods, or even avoiding them altogether, is another step you can take to relieve acid reflux. Some foods can irritate parts of your digestive tract, so if you’re looking for ways to diminish these effects the best course of action is to evaluate what you put in your body.  

Foods that are high in acidity or spice can upset an injured esophagus, which includes carbonated beverages, types of peppers, tomatoes, and citrus fruits. Some foods, such as caffeine and peppermint, have the potential to relax the lower esophageal sphincter and trigger acid reflux symptoms by allowing fluid from the stomach to travel back into the esophagus. It’s best to avoid foods high in fat as well, since they also contribute to acid reflux.

Lifestyle Changes For Better Gut Health

  • Be conscious of your meal portions and ensure your diet is high in fiber
  • Try to eat a few hours before you go to bed to avoid overnight symptoms
  • Manage your weight with regular exercise and physical activities
  • Keep your stress levels in check so they do not become chronically high
Ginger tea in a blue mug with cinnamon sticks sitting on top
Ginger tea is a great way to amplify your health while also enjoying a pleasant warm drink on a cold day, but it can be had anytime of year!

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to make good decisions about your wellness so that you can have a healthy and fulfilling life. Your stomach is an important part of you and you should care for it as best you can by implementing smart patterns in your daily habits. Ginger tea offers a simple way to boost your quality of life, so it might just end up being your next favorite beverage.   

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